My September newsletter is out. :)
📺 Kaos (mini-series streaming on Netflix)
I like that this is a modern telling of Greek gods. Cars, concerts, and cell phones, and everyone knows the gods exist. At first glance, Jeff Goldblum seemed like an odd choice to play Zeus, but he does a really good job portraying someone so powerful and so paranoid.
Watching the relationship between the humans and the gods was really interesting. Most of the gods think humans are beneath them and don’t matter, but at the same time, the gods pay a lot of attention to human actions.
I recommend watching it if you like Greek mythology. But content warning: There are a few gory scenes in every episode and when it’s gory, it’s really gory.
🎵 New music from Linkin Park - “The Emptiness Machine”
I’ve seen a lot of comments on Instagram with, she’s great! And also comments like, ugh this is bad.
But I like how the new vocalist sounds and mostly, it’s great to have new music from Linkin Park.
You should make a /chipotle page so when a friend is picking up Chipotle for you, you can send them a link instead of having to redescribe/retype your Chipotle order
– Slash Pages via Robb Knight
This is genius. I would make a page like this for acai bowls. 😃
Balancing stock and flow
This is from a blog post that’s 14 years old, and it’s still relevant today:
Flow is the feed. It’s the posts and the tweets. It’s the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that reminds people you exist.
Stock is the durable stuff. It’s the content you produce that’s as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. It’s what people discover via search. It’s what spreads slowly but surely, building fans over time.
– “Stock and Flow” by Robin Sloan
I’ve been sharing my stock on Mythical Type for years. But with the loss of Twitter (I stopped using it in 2022), I haven’t had anywhere for text-based flow.
When I found out about, I got excited for the opportunity to have a place for short text posts again. That’s primarily what I want for this space. And, I operate with the mindset that smaller, shorter work can build into larger work. So stuff in the flow isn’t only for the flow. Some of it could become stock in the future. This is how I hope to stay in balance between what I post here and what I post on Mythical Type.
I made these mini zines earlier this year as freebies to hand out at events. Here’s a freshly folded batch for a public library fundraiser I’m going to in a couple weeks. 🙂 🎨
September page is ready in my bullet journal. I use this page to note appointments and events during the month. The “CO” column is “creative output.” A checkbox for each day I’m working on something creative (outside of the day job).
Here’s my About page, all proper-like. ☺️
📺 Currently watching Terminator Zero on Netflix. I like that they aren’t rehashing stories from the movies. It’s the same universe with new characters.
🍿 I watched the movie Predestination last weekend. It’s based on a short story, called “All You Zombies” by Robert A. Heinlein.
The movie is confusing in that you learn info out of order. But if you’re okay with that, I recommend watching it.
🎵 New music from Dom Fera - “More You Know”