This is my postroll page, where I keep a running list of posts and links that I think are worth sharing.

Posts are listed oldest (at the top) to newest (at the bottom). Once the list has 15 posts, the top posts will start coming off the list. (I might make a blog post with some of the links that will go away. I haven’t decided yet.)

  1. You’re Only “Difficult” to People Who Don’t Want to Be Questioned - Joan Westenberg

  2. The Art of Not Sharing - Joan Westenberg

  3. Diagram Website - via sod

  4. Why Are We Still Using 88x31 Buttons? - YEQUARI.COM

  5. Tech companies are clamoring to re-buttonize their products - UserMag

  6. “Back to the Future” and “The Goonies” take place on the same day - Spoiled Blue Milk via Robb Knight

  7. Chilltrax - Ad-free online radio for downtempo, electronica, and chillout music (via zkbro)

  8. SomaFM - Listener-supported, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio (via zkbro)

Last updated: 2024-12-11

This page was inspired by Brandon.