🍿 Somewhere in Time (1980) - Streaming for free on Tubi. It’s a well-made movie with a great cast. I feel like it was probably well-received when it came out, but I don’t think it aged well.

🍿 Uglies (streaming on Netflix) - Same genre as Hunger Games and Divergent (and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing). I read the book years ago and liked it, so I watched the movie. Uglies is not super amazing, gonna blow your mind. But not every movie has to be. This is fine for what it is.

🍿 I watched the movie Predestination last weekend. It’s based on a short story, called β€œAll You Zombies” by Robert A. Heinlein.

The movie is confusing in that you learn info out of order. But if you’re okay with that, I recommend watching it.