My name is Kali (she/her). I love connecting with fellow artists and writers.
This site is my digital notebook. I have another site, Mythical Type, for my zines and creative projects.
What I’m interested in
- Making and sharing art as a way to connect with people
- Keeping a curious and open mindset
- Learning from other people and sharing what I learn
A little history
I’ve been blogging since 2004. I started on Blogger and moved to a self-hosted WordPress site in 2015. In the last few years, WordPress hasn’t felt like the right fit for my blog, so I moved to Micro.blog in 2024.
What I post about here
- Thoughts and observations from my day
- Media consumption (TV shows and movies I’m watching, music I’m listening to, what I’m reading)
- Process notes about my creative projects
- Interesting things I find online
- Now - A summary of what I’m working on now.
- Slashes - An index of all my slash pages.
- omg.lol - Links to my sites and social media profiles.
If you enjoy my work, please consider leaving a tip on Ko-fi.
This is a personal website. Opinions and views expressed here are solely mine and not of any organization or employer.